This is the first introduction to Red Digger Purple Dinosaur digital designs (maybe more aptly digital collages). It is both exciting and nerve wracking in equal measures.
I’ve spent a lot of time in the last four years supporting our son’s sleep in dark rooms. Over that time I started compiling these digital collages, using apps on my phone, to give myself a creative outlet.
I have always been one of those people that doodles as I think, or the person that perhaps doesn’t appear to be listening because they’re doodling or fiddling with something. Creating these digital collages has helped me think. We’ve had a lot to learn (as all parents do) on our journey into Parenthood and, now, on our Autism Adventure.
Recently I put some of the designs I’d been playing about with on mugs for our house. I’ve enjoyed using our mugs, so I thought I’d have a go at creating something from the designs saved on my phone. I’ve pulled most of the ones I’ve published from my more recent designs, as they seem more relevant, but there’s some in the archives that might see some light soon.
I’ve chosen one of my designs as a basis for all of the designs that I’m sharing, so that they share a common look and feel. Each features three shapes, each containing a word, and a hashtag. I’m not sure if this was the right thing to do or not. We’ll see.
The designs are a bit like ‘these three words’ in that I’ve chosen to use only three main words in each design with a hashtag statement attached too. Some people might like it, some people won’t. It was a mental game, of sorts, when I was creating that particular design, to try and fit poignant points from what I was thinking or learning into three word summaries.
I had hoped to share this website at the start of April, but I needed to remove and rejig a couple of designs and then huge self doubt kicked in. There’s been a fair bit of overthinking happening too, so please be kind.
My hope for sharing these is that maybe one will resonate with someone or bring a smile to someone else’s day. The best thing would be to have created someone’s next favourite mug ❤️💜