Red Digger Purple Dinosaur Mummy Blog

Our Environment Matters
Talking about the importance of environment and creating sensory safe environments where our boys, who have sensory needs, will hopefillu be able to reach their full potential.
Our Environment Matters
Talking about the importance of environment and creating sensory safe environments where our boys, who have sensory needs, will hopefillu be able to reach their full potential.

The F Word
It was the first May bank holiday here in the UK last weekend and with that came some expectation that they’d be family gatherings, weekends away, friends round for the...
The F Word
It was the first May bank holiday here in the UK last weekend and with that came some expectation that they’d be family gatherings, weekends away, friends round for the...

Early signs our family is Neurodivergent
A short summary of the early signs we had that our eldest son is Autistic, our road to his diagnosis and possible early signs that our youngest son could be...
Early signs our family is Neurodivergent
A short summary of the early signs we had that our eldest son is Autistic, our road to his diagnosis and possible early signs that our youngest son could be...

Let’s get started!
Hurrah, my first Red Digger Purple Dinosaur blog post 🎉 An introduction into us, why I’ve chosen to blog and why I called it Red Digger Purple Dinosaur ❤️💜
Let’s get started!
Hurrah, my first Red Digger Purple Dinosaur blog post 🎉 An introduction into us, why I’ve chosen to blog and why I called it Red Digger Purple Dinosaur ❤️💜